Healthy Living for ME Workshops

About the workshop
Bingocize® combines the game of bingo, exercise, and/or health education. Groups of participants play Bingocize® twice per week, with each 45-60 minute session consisting of exercises (range of motion, balance, muscle strengthening, and endurance exercises) and health education questions.
"I’ve seen improvements in my strength and flexibility. Bingocize includes exercising every part of your body."
- Bingocize® Participant
Benefits of the workshop
- Improved lower/upper body strength, gait, balance, and range of motion
- Improved aspects of cognition
- Increased social engagement
- Improved knowledge of falls risk reduction and nutrition
- Improved patient activation
More information about this program’s research and evaluation can be found here.
Who should take the workshop
The program targets sedentary, older adults at all physical and mental ability levels in a variety of settings including certified nursing facilities, assisted living, independent living, and community centers.
All Healthy Living for ME Workshops
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